As a former member of the fourth
estate I have been continually disappointed by the decline of what was once an
honourable craft.
Yeah, I know. For
years journalism has ranked somewhere between Nigerian on-line financial
advisors and being Stephen Conroy on the ‘trustworthy’ rankings, but it wasn’t
always so.
There was a time, believe it
or not, when being a journalist, no, a reporter, carried with it a hefty cache of personal pride.
I was a university student
when an old-school journalist sent me out into the world with the following
words of advice ringing in my ears.
“Journalism is not a
profession,” he said, absently scratching away at the egg-yoke streak on his
tie, “it’s a craft. Lawyers are professionals. If you want the truth to mean
whatever suits you at the time, go and be a lawyer.
“If one side hates your
guts, you aren’t doing your job. If both sides hate your guts, you can sleep
soundly knowing you have done your job.
“Your objectivity is all you
have going for you. Sacrifice that and you may as well sell yourself completely
and go into PR.”
That grizzled journalist is
long dead. So are the tenets he espoused.
The decline in journalism in
Australia can be traced to many factors, not least of which is the capture of
the education system by the Left; a 25-year long march that produced a
generation of graduates that refused to let illiteracy and innumeracy interfere
with a sense of self-entitlement, mostly because lazy teachers – exhausted from
attending union meetings by day and memorizing the dialogue of An Inconvenient
Truth by night – handed the responsibility of teaching to Google.
It was the last which may have dealt the biggest blow to any hope of a continuation of the journalistic traditions of truth and objectivity. Left to their own devices, a generation of Australian students dutifully climbed aboard the Google bus. Unfortunately, too busy daydreaming of their own innate wonderfulness, they didn't notice the information superhighway give way to the commercial district of Facebook - where every shop-front window reflected their own image straight back at them - before coming to a halt in the red light, open-sewered ghetto that is Twitter.
It was the last which may have dealt the biggest blow to any hope of a continuation of the journalistic traditions of truth and objectivity. Left to their own devices, a generation of Australian students dutifully climbed aboard the Google bus. Unfortunately, too busy daydreaming of their own innate wonderfulness, they didn't notice the information superhighway give way to the commercial district of Facebook - where every shop-front window reflected their own image straight back at them - before coming to a halt in the red light, open-sewered ghetto that is Twitter.
The media could probably
have survived if the rise of the illiterate graduate hadn’t coincided with the
rise of the culture of celebrity and ‘reality’ television.
Both of these were, in turn,
the inevitable consequence of a Western legal and education system hijacked by
a confederacy of ill-intentioned social engineers who spent 25-years (strangely,
roughly the same length of time since the fall of the Berlin Wall) telling
children that learning something useful was an outmoded fascist ideal that
prevented them from achieving their full potential as human beings.
“Harming the child’s
emotional development” (HTCED) became a catch-all ‘guilt’ refrain to bully
parents into submission.
Stop little Kevin from
eating what he wants and becoming a disgusting fatbody? HTCED.
Make little Kevin study hard
and clean up his room, thus instilling in Kevin the notion that with rights
come responsibilities? HTCED.
Make little Kevin learn to
count, spell, write his own name or pass an exam before shoving him up the
education ladder? HTCED.
The Teachers Union may have
got itself a lot of useful idiots, but what has society as a whole gained from
this quantum shift?
A generation of obese, emotionally
stunted little Kevins, many of whom spend half their time trying to get on
reality shows, and the other half on twitter raging against the fascist society
that refuses to recognise their inner genius and won’t let them on reality tv,
is what.
Of the rest, a hardened cohort
of manufactured idiots, unusable for the most basic tasks in the real world, either
embark on a glittering career of welfare dependency or enrol in one of those
timeless university degrees with “ … Studies” at the end of the course title.
While the majority, upon
realising that their ‘degrees’ will prove useless in the real world join the
Socialist Alternative and demand more taxpayer money to fund their years of
fecklessness, eventually, some finish their degree and go on to become
‘journalists’ at sheltered workshops like the ABC or Fairfax.
Sadly, the kernels of truth
disbursed by my mentor would, if delivered to these ‘journalists’ today, fall
on barren ground.
Thanks to years of social
engineering, ego stroking, refusing to HTCED and a slavish addiction to electronic 'contacts' to provide information, today’s journalism graduates
would be aghast at the thought of not being liked. They are celebrities! They
are, or so they think, newsmakers, not obscure newsbreakers.
So. We have a generation of
‘journalists’, barely able to write, incapable of operating in the real world or any social group that doesn’t operate on a continuous
loop of circle-jerking mutual appreciation.
What to do? How to cover our
complete lack of tradecraft, our inability to develop contacts, yet still
maintain our self-image?
I know! Invent the ‘citizen
Here was a convenient
construct that allowed them to pretend that any disaffected ratbag (well, ALP
media operative or GetUp looney) making up crap on the echo-chamber that is
Twitter was a legitimate ‘source’.
Easily, 50% of Fairfax and ABC political
‘stories’ are based on Twitter feeds, or on Twitter ‘outrage’ at the PM
Sadly, the easy headline and
the adulation of the Twits may feed the insatiable need for ego reinforcement, but
it simply reinforces the idea that the modern Fairfax or ABC journalist is just another contestant
spruiking for enough votes to get them another shot next week.
(G’day! I’m a citizen
mechanic. So, where’s the Ferrari then?”)
The Fairfax organisation has long abandoned any
pretence at impartiality pursuing a Green/Left agenda with an admirable
tenacity that demonstrates that its newsroom believes that the company’s
rapidly diminishing shareholder register shares will be plumped out by slices
from the magic pudding.
It is a commercial
organisation and if its board wants to allow its subordinates to force the
organisation into a Jim Jonesian-style suicide pact, that is its choice.
The ABC, on the other hand,
is harder to excuse, or forgive, for it is not a commercial organisation and has no such remit to abandon its core charter in order to cater to a particular audience.
Head honcho Mark Scott
insisted last year that the ABC must pay its talent – he is obviously using the
term in its modern, reality tv, context - high salaries to compete with
commercial entities.
The taxpayer-funded ABC
doesn’t have to compete with commercial enterprises. An ABC journalist’s job is
to find news; an ABC newsreader’s job is to read the news. That they should do
it in an objective manner should go
without saying.
Baffling Billy Shorten can
call the Abbott-budget “brutal” or “harsh”. The ABC can report that he has done
so. What the ABC cannot do is allow its, ahem, journalists to use the same
terms themselves in ‘news’ reports related to the budget, a sin they have
committed with gay abandon ever since the budget was handed down.
This, Mark, is called opinion and there is no place for it on
a tax-payer funded national broadcaster’s news reports. Perhaps you can get one of your high
paid ‘stars’ to explain it to you?
The ABC has enough ‘journalistic’
nous to obtain secret recordings of a security team meeting at the Manus Island
detention centre, but not enough to find genuine Australians to bolster its
anti-Abbott budget stories?
A billion dollar-a-year news
organisation can only find an employees’ mother, a former Rudd campaigner and a
known anarchist to pose as ‘ordinary Australians’?
There is no point in blaming
Scott. He is clearly a chinless, weak-willed wonder cowed by a collective of bolshie
No, the blame lies squarely
on the shoulders of the collective. Those ABC employees who dare to call
themselves journalist, yet are little
more than reality tv contestants completely oblivious to the traditions of their craft; unable to live without a constant diet of Twitter-led adulation. Journalists? More like a closed Twitter-led collective.
ABC guys and gals: go for
your life. Be as partisan as your principles can stomach, but please, please,
don’t besmirch an honourable craft by calling yourselves journalists.