A reader recently
took issue with me for inserting a ‘two minute hate’ into every paragraph of
every blog entry.
He was
referring to my penchant for subjecting the ALP and any or all of their
policies to a fair degree of high farce ridicule.
criticism was kindly meant. I took it in the same manner and told him so. However,
I think it is worth exploring the origins of, and inspiration for, my “two
minute hates”.
My kindly reader
asserted that this made me look bitter and he was right; I DO ridicule the ALP,
I DO do it a lot and I AM bitter.
But I’m not
bitter because I’m some right wing fanatic who loathes all things Left. I’m
bitter about the untold damage this particular
Federal Labor Government is inflicting on the material and spiritual well-being
of this country.
I don’t
hate all things ALP.
In my
opinion Gough Whitlam was a good PM let down by some cretinous cabinet
ministers and a desire to cram 10 years of governance into a single term.
Bob Hawke
was a good PM, until that massive ego finally got the better of him. Paul
Keating was a good treasurer until HIS massive ego finally got the better of
Bob Hawke.
Evans, who ironically was reputed to have a taste in expletives that makes
Kevin Rudd look like, well, the Milky Bar Kid, was a fine foreign minister and
John Button is rightly revered by all sides of politics.
(Apart from
Rudd, who thought a photo opportunity with Cate Blanchett’s sprog was a better
idea than attending Button’s funeral.)
Peter Walsh
and Bill Hayden were no slouches and John Kerin was a good Primary Industries
minister whose reputation was unfairly scarred by an unfortunate encounter with
a cupboard during his five minutes as treasurer.
The best
local member I’ve ever met was the ALP’s Kalgoorlie MHR Graeme Campbell.
All good
ALP people and true and I’m happy to go into bat on their behalf – apart from
Keating’s stint as PM, which was a bit woeful all round.
While I may
lament their choice of political colours, I would never doubt their genuine
desire to take the country, state or dusty main street to a better place than
the one in which they found it.
I even
voted for them. Twice.
I have
praised Campbell ,
so a good place to begin highlighting the stark difference between Labor of
yesteryear and Labor today is with my local Federal ALP member.
In nearly
three years living in his electorate, not only have I not met him, I’ve never
even seen him. A few of the few who have seen him tell me that if there were no
footy club raffles to draw or school halls to be photographed in front of, he
would be stuck for something to do.
He may well
be a do nothing nobody on the ground, but to the ALP he is the very model of a
model MHR. He sucked in enough voters to win the seat, then dutifully assumed
his role as an anonymous caucus drone available to be bought, swapped or sold
by factional heavyweights as they see fit.
fairness, perhaps his choice of seat hasn’t helped. If he had contested a Sydney seat he may well be
in the Ministry by now, a la David Bradbury.
like so many of his colleagues is a salutary warning about the long term damage
caused by severe gorm-deficiency in an infant’s diet.
By any law of
natural selection, Bradbury should be sweeping out the Ministry instead of
sitting in it, but Gillard promoted him to Assistant-Treasurer because he holds
a seat in Western Sydney , a region which
collectively hates her Government.
He is also NSW
ALP/Union ‘family’. He used to work for the Australian Services Union. His
sister is a Health Services Union (that of Craig Thomson fame) national
assistant secretary. His wife used to be a HSU organiser. In his maiden speech
to parliament he singled out former HSU (and ALP National) president Mike
Williamson (he whose daughter works in Gillard’s office) and the “entire team
at the HSU” for praise and thanks.
The whole
Labor movement is a study in law of diminishing returns created by an ever
dwindling gene pool.
Put every
NSW ALP identity, every NSW-based MP and the executives of every east-coast-based
union on the first branch of a family tree and you would be back to the
original breeding pair in about two generations.
It is a
genealogist’s wet dream.
It has been
said that as PM, Hawke would ring opposition leader John Howard before making
policy announcements to test the political wind for possible stumbling blocks
to broad agreement.
It was a
measure of respect, not only for his political opponents, but also for the
electorate, allowing them to have faith that their political masters wouldn’t
waste time and money on mindless point scoring and bickering.
The respect
with which this ALP in Government was
going to treat the parliament, its political opponents and the people was on
show before it even gained power, when Kevin Rudd adopted the habit of turning
his back on Prime Minister Howard.
A childish
aberration? Hardly. After Rudd as PM delivered his hollow snare drum of
platitudinous echoes known as the ‘Sorry’ speech, his staff urged on-lookers to
turn their backs on then Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson’s reply.
The Rudd
Doctrine of Distortion, Division and Derision was born and its message was
clear: we don’t respect you, we don’t care what you think and we don’t care
what you have to say.
disposed of Rudd and, as the monuments to her policy follies assumed colossal
proportions, she grasped the Rudd Doctrine and took it ever increasing depths.
is a shambles and Gillard, Wayne Swan and the conga-line of union hacks
masquerading as Ministers of the Crown have made it so.
leader Tony Abbott: “hack”, “bully”, “thug”, “sexist”, “Misogynist”,
“woman-hater”, “attack dog”, “Can’t help going the biff”, “douchebag”, “nuts”,
“poster boy for vile bully-boy values”, “the biggest bullshit artist in
Australia”, “rancid”, “dodgy”, “mendacious”, “nasty”.
Keating had
a fine line in invective, but he was always across his brief. He could deliver
the devastating riposte, but was always sharp as a tack on policy detail.
If this mob
think they are the parliamentary heirs to Keating, somebody needs to break the
news to them that they are adopted.
an opposition query – and thus giving rise to the suspicion that they don’t
actually understand it - they launch into as many ‘two minute hates’ as there
are questions.
Swan seems
to think that question time is a licence to vilify private citizens as part of
some bizarre class warfare crusade he has embarked on.
The other
frontbenchers, led by Greg Combet, Anthony Albanese, Craig Emerson, Stephen
Conroy and Penny Wong - with perhaps the honourable exception of Chris Bowen -
joyfully follow their leaders into the abysmal abyss.
And that is
just in parliament. Every press conference or interview with every member of
this Government for the past five years has been a “two minute hate” of
orchestrated aggregations of aggressive accusations, a tortuous trial of
tautological tirades.
Why do they
insist on endlessly injecting irrational rancour into the public discourse in
this country at every opportunity?
They are incompetent
rent-seekers; disdainful of the electorate; and unable to grasp the irony in a
relentlessly negative Government, relentlessly accusing an opposition of
relentless negativity. That’s why.
Any wonder
that five long, wearying years of being forced to listen to supposed adults and
responsible ministers indulge in vitriolic verballing and frothing faux outrage
have left me bitter?
society we may be, but if I saw Hawke or Keating in the street, I’d address
them as ‘Mr’ Hawke and ‘Mr’ Keating. They treated their office and the
electorate with respect and have earned that simple honorific at least.
If I saw
Gillard or Swan in the street, I’d be hard pressed not to greet them with a
yell of abuse.
Gillard, as
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Australian Workers Union, handed the country’s
governance to Paul Howes, a powerful man who musters all the gravitas of a
rogue hamster.
Swan has
plunged us into needless debt through a combination of monumental incompetence
and ideological stupidity.
this motley crew of shop stewards in suits have deliberately, with malice
aforethought, set out to divide us by way of class, gender and earning power.
Envy, resentment and discord are their stocks in trade.
Poor Fellow
My Country indeed.
Government sets the tone of public discourse. It builds the road to the
country’s future and inspires the people to follow them down it. Unfortunately,
in the case of Gillard and Co. the road to moral superiority is paved with good
indulging in “two minute hate” I am simply walking down the path they have forged.
Should I rise
above it and take the higher road?
For this
mob? After what they have done? Fuck ‘em.
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